Mathematics in Teams

Winners Mathematics B-day 2020

Tuesday, 23 June, the online award ceremony of the Mathematics B-day took place. Rogier Bos, chair of the Wiskunde B-dag committee, started off with an inspiring dive into the assignment, which was about the game ‘sprouts’ this year. In their work, students showed that they were able to apply game theory as well as the concept of invariance to win the game. Afterward, the jury report was presented and prizes were awarded. Students attended with their groups from school and teachers were given the honour to award the prizes. The ceremony was very successful with 10 smart and fun teams.


The top 10:

  1. Christelijk Lyceum Delft
  2. GSG Leo Vroman, Gouda
  3. Gymnasium Celeanum, Zwolle (Hein)
  4. Lorentz Casimir Lyceum, Eindhoven
  5. Heerbeeck College, Best
  6. Gymnasium Celeanum, Zwolle (Luca)
  7. Stedelijk Gymnasium Schiedam
  8. Montaigne Lyceum, Den Haag
  9. OSG Willem Blaeu, Alkmaar
  10. CSG Dingstede, Meppel

The next Mathematics B-day will take place on 13 November 2020. For more information, visit

Impression of the digital award ceremony of the Mathematics B-day 2019-2020